We are interested in reviews that introduce our readers to a given work that attempts to deal with technology and culture in a thoughtful but not necessarily academic way. The subject of your review should be a particular critical or creative work that is embedded in or a description of a technological artifact, product or process, but in the broadest sense: any manipulation of the natural by a living organism in any time period, culture, or situation. .

Reviewers might review new critical works published by university presses but could also review movies, dance, theatre, social media, games or other ways that we engage with technology on a daily basis. In no case, however, should the review take a breezy or casual tone. Timeliness is of the essence with reviews: the work being discussed should be no more than two or three years old.

Though we do not consider reviews at Technoculture as peer-reviewed, nonetheless, these are academic works and should have a professional tone though not one laded down by jargon. 

We do not review educational products or software such as textbooks or LMS.

Webtexts and other interactive media are preferred but we also accept well written linear, print-like essays.

Feel free to submit an inquiry, or drafts of completed works to inquiry at tcjournal dot org or simply submit an inquiry or full review here. Reviews should be 1,000 to 3,000 words. Graduate students and other non tenure track folks are particularly encouraged to review for us (though also more than welcome to submit full length articles as well).

Please let us know if you have further questions.

Note: native digital submissions are preferred, but we are still considering linear essays at this time.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.